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Home Health & Living Coffee Chats on Metaverse 1-Uncle Ahmet and Aunt Ayşe are on Metaverse
Health & Living - September 23, 2022

Coffee Chats on Metaverse 1-Uncle Ahmet and Aunt Ayşe are on Metaverse

My goal in this new series of essays on coffee talks on Metaverse is to answer the question, “What is this Metaverse, huh?” To build a resource that can be opened and examined when questioned. This is the inspiration behind the series’ first article’s title. The rate of scientific-technology literacy, which has become a global issue not only in our country but also around the world, is quite low, and this gap does not appear to be closing as time passes. Many parameters can be counted in this low rate, but when we look at it, the rate of information generation of technology and science has dramatically outpaced our rate of following information, and this gap is growing.

Therefore, here we are Uncle Ahmet and Aunt Ayşe!

Technology and science make us capable of reading this article on the smart phone that we currently acquire for an average price from a warm house. As our elders have indicated, this “Devil’s labor” actually benefits us greatly, therefore we must comprehend and follow it in order to reap the greatest benefit.

Now, Aunt Ayşe, I seem to hear you say, “What is Metaverse, explain me now?” You are correct, but before we go into the subject, we need to grasp the importance and fundamentals of it so that we may learn.

I will go through examples in this series of essays because everyone talks about the abstract element of Metaverse, but whether it is truly understood is arguable.

Uncle Ahmet, instead of going to the coffee after breakfast every day, you take your tea from your pot and settle to your hot seat in your house with and see your friends through a glasses while drinking a nice brew of tea, and you can play whatever you are playing same stuff in the coffee shop and all this at the same time with just a glasses from home and a good internet connection.

Uncle Ahmet and Aunt Ayşe metaverse isn’t such a small world, in fact these are just simple examples of what you can do daily. In the future your grandchildren may never go to school, they may not go to work or even they may graduate and retire from home.

We will mention about this world in more detail on our next column. For now we are going to drink our coffees at coffee shops and our neighbour but in the future the things I have mentioned in this writing won’t be our daydream but will be our new normal.

Hasan Can Öztürk


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