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Home Metaverse Metaverse Night at Spacemagturkiye
Metaverse - August 19, 2022

Metaverse Night at Spacemagturkiye

On a cold and ordinary January morning, I opened my eyes before the sun came up. When I looked at the clock, it showed 06:14. While the warmth of the bed didn’t want me to get up, my habit involuntarily lifted me up. As I got up, thoughts began to run through my mind quickly. Thoughts were what I would do during the day. There was no drowsiness on me. I went to the kitchen to prepare my morning coffee.

Whatever day it is, it doesn’t matter to me. I make a to-do list during the day as per my habit. You could call it a kind of checklist. There are times when I can’t fit into this list. When you have an unexpected job or a place you need to go to urgently, you may need to restructure your checklist. Sometimes these unexpected situations can turn into wonderful memories. So did it today.

When the clocks showed 11:00, a message came to my phone. Emre Ergül was my teacher who sent the message and said, “We can meet tonight if you want.” Said. I was very happy and immediately got my things ready. However, what I would do during the day had also changed. Having to make revisions to the checklist has never been better. We made our contract to meet in Istanbul, Kadıköy at 19:00, but I live in Tuzla, which is quite a distance from Kadıköy. Therefore, we have updated our meeting time from 19:00 to 19:30.

You know, Istanbul is a very crowded place. Going from one place to another with a private car can be effective in some cases, but when you consider the parking problem, especially in Kadıköy, the time you will have good memories can be shortened. We thought about this situation and decided to reach Kadıköy by public transportation. I left my house at 17:30 and started walking towards Aydıntepe Marmaray Station. The distance from my house to the station takes about half an hour on foot. Since the location where my teacher Emre resides is closer to Kadıköy, he would set off a little later than me. At the meeting time, we would arrive in Kadıköy at the same time. I arrived at the station and gave information to my teacher. There were six minutes before the metro which was going to go to Halkalı direction. The air was cold, but not the kind that would penetrate you. Even the weather conditions were very good compared to the previous days. I took my earphones out of my jacket pocket, clicked on the application I was using on my phone, and opened the song “Attack” from my favorite Pearl Harbor Original Movie Soundtrack album. Such pieces help me a lot to develop my imagination. After circling the platform for a while, the rails started to vibrate and the vehicle came. The doors opened and the twenty-two-stop journey began.

My journey would take an estimated one hour when the vehicle started to move, and during this time I started reading the book I brought with me while listening to the song. I have been working in the field of investment as an amateur for a long time and the book I read caught my attention. In case you’re wondering, the book I’m talking about is “Learn to Win” by Peter Lynch & John Rothchild. I never realized how time flies. So much so that I almost missed the station I was going to transfer to. Fortunately, my seat was in a position to see the station names on the platform. When I saw the Ayrılıkçeşmesi station, I immediately got out of the vehicle.

With my hands in my pockets, I quickly set off in the direction of my transfer and realized that the air was getting colder. At the end of the approximately one-hour journey I spent in the vehicle, the air temperature had reached a level that made me cold. To get on the Kadıköy – Tavşantepe metro, I passed the turnstile and went to the platform in the direction of Kadıköy. Luckily, it wasn’t too cold underground, and there was a minute before the vehicle arrived. In this one minute period, I put my headphones in my coat pocket and got into the oncoming vehicle. After one stop, I got off in Kadıköy.

When I looked at the time on my phone, I saw that it was 19:10 and I had taken my place at Kadıköy Pier before the meeting time. I called my teacher Emre and told him that I was coming and he said he would be there in a few minutes. During this time, I took my tea from the kiosk on the pier to warm up a bit, sat on a bench and watched Istanbul in all its beauty from the pier. It was so beautiful that every time you look at it in different time zones, you get a different taste from Istanbul. At that moment, I thought, “How would Istanbul be in the meta universe?” His thought settled. All of a sudden, my eyes opened and I searched for an object to note down this wonderful thought. Fortunately, I took out the notebook I carried in my bag and immediately processed my thoughts. After I finished typing, my phone rang. The caller was Emre, he had come to Kadıköy and asked where I was. I showed myself with a gesture describing where I was. We embraced each other with a warm welcome.

Now let’s go back a little bit in history.

When the dates showed July 2019, I made a scientific trip to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. It was quite an interesting experience for me. I returned to Turkey after collecting many documents such as photographs, videos and texts. A month later, while I was doing my internship in the defense industry, I received a message on the LinkedIn platform and the message was from Emre. After a few days of meeting and chatting, we started talking about a series of articles on Chernobyl and thus we published this series of articles on in 2020.

Do you know why I told you this? Because we have never met face to face since 2019, when we met Emre. Many articles followed the series that started with Chernobyl, and we worked together all the time, even though we never saw each other. The meeting we held today was the first meeting of our acquaintance of nearly two and a half years. So we didn’t want to miss any moment. After we greeted each other, we started walking and had a little chat on the way. As you walked into Kadıköy, the human population was increasing. As we passed through the side streets, our ears were witnessing the increase in laughter and lively conversations. At that time, Emre teacher said that we could sit in a friend’s shop, but he said that he had not arrived at his shop yet. Emre teacher “Shall we sit somewhere else until my friend comes?” He made an offer and we sat elsewhere. We chose our drinks and started to continue our conversation on the way. Topics followed each other, time was running fast. However, we stopped at one point. The point we stopped at was such a point that it could affect all humanity living on earth right now and change their lives.

This point was about the metaverse.

When the clocks showed 21:30, Emre’s phone started to ring. It was his friend. She said she came to her shop and was waiting for us. We got up from where we were sitting by paying the bill and reached the destination with a short walk. After entering the door, it was impossible not to see the presence of a warm atmosphere. We sat down and started our conversation from where we left off. Of course, we couldn’t understand how the time passed when we had beers accompanying our conversation and Osman Bey was the owner of the shop.

When the clocks showed 22:00, we returned to the subject of the metaverse and agreed that we should include in the meta universe. This was such a decision that even those who are reading these lines right now will be included in this universe. Thanks to this cooperation, which will include all innovations, will break new ground in the meta universe. While I was listing my thoughts, Osman Bey also listed his thoughts and said that he was a little afraid. Among his fears, he expressed virtualization, fast consumption, damage to human relations and moral problems. I couldn’t take out my notebook and write, but I wrote down everything you said in my head. Frankly, I find the problems mentioned by Osman Bey very important.

After all, what we call the metaverse; It is a concept that even many people do not fully understand and do not know what it does. Even land is being bought and sold right now. The reason is very simple! The desire to reach money in a fast and easy way lies under these transactions. These actions lead to rapid and unconscious consumption. Naturally, people who plan to buy or buy a land will say, “However, it will be appreciated, when it is valued, I will sell it, I will enjoy it.” It’s in psychology. Of course, being the first in new formations opens the door to more income. However, this unconscious consumption can open the doors of disaster. I don’t see a problem with a small amount of trial investment. Real estate, vehicle, etc. that you own in real life. You should not completely sell commodities such as tangible goods and invest in lands in the commodity universe. Of course, this is my opinion, not investment advice.

Injury and moral problems in human relations are facts that we all know and are likely to happen. On social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn, there has already been enough damage to human relations and it continues to be experienced. I mean without injury; insult, swearing, humiliation, offending and everything else I can’t count. In order to get likes, to be popular or to attract attention, “Is this done too!” We see everything we can say. Let’s be real, this is something we’ve all been waiting for. If someone swears at you while walking on the street in daily life, you probably want support from the nearest law enforcement agency and you may need to take action against the person who swears. Be careful on social media, even a discussion about a topic is not possible. Many people are saying unspeakable words to each other, and the most interesting part of the job is that screenshots of these conversations are taken and shared by various users as if they are something with comedy content, which is a separate issue that needs to be examined. Moral problems are also likely to occur. For example, acts that are considered criminal in daily life will also take place in the meta universe. After all, the meta universe is open to everyone and the only thing that changes is that a different universe is presented to us. In this context, I predict that people will behave in the same way in the meta universe. With the change of technology, this foresight may also switch to the opposite thought. In addition, while the fear of losing a job is valid in almost all business areas, I think that such fear is unfounded. While the weaving loom was once the most popular business area, the onset of the Industrial Revolution eliminated the weaving loom, but created many jobs.

Of course, there will be moral, human, material and spiritual problems in the commodity universe. It is the duty of all humanity to anticipate such problems and to solve them with a common mind. It is one of the points we wish to be included in this sense of duty. At this point, we, as, started a study in order to create a system that gathers all the news, developments and future studies related to the meta universe under a single title and integrate it into all platforms. It will be a pioneer in the field of this giant platform, which will serve not only in Turkey but also all over the world. Thus, the steps of this system, which will play a key role in the meta universe, were taken in Istanbul.

As the hours passed, the depth of our conversation increased. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 11:29 PM and realized that it was time for the last car to go home. Wishing to meet again, I left and started walking towards Kadıköy Station. I looked at the people around, life, activity, sky, lights, and many more, and these thoughts crossed my mind:

Could we be inside another meta universe?

Arda Alkaç


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