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Home Health & Living Body Language in Metaverse
Health & Living - September 21, 2022

Body Language in Metaverse

In the daily life, body language is one of the essential communication tools for people. Words are %10, tone of voice is %30 and body language is %40 important in people’s communication. People use body language quite effectively, mostly uncounciously, throughout their life. Words are not the main one at understanding of the real thougts and emotions but body language. Real thoughts and emotions can hide behind words but body language inevitably reveals them. Even people who trained in this field sometimes can be unable to hide their thoughts or emotions. Although words are different in different languages, body language is substantially the same in every culture, which shows that it is one of the essential common points of humanity.

When it comes to Metaverse, the situation goes into a different dimension. Looking at the progress so far, Metaverse environments which are developed by different companies do not have realistic graphics. It is an interesting situation that although there are games which have quite realistic graphics and Metaverse environments have worse graphic quality than these games. This situation causes not being able properly reflect body language in virtual world. Lack of body language which is a key point in communication in virtual world, signals that there can be communication problems in this world. It is a suggestive detail that how much and how accurately micro expressions which is an essential point in body language can be transferred to virtual world. Micro expressions occur in microseconds and disappear. People who are not trained in body language may not be able to consciously catch these expressions up but brain perceives and comes to various conclusions according to these expressions. The reason of the thoughts which we have and we do not know their source, about the person we communicate can be inferences that our brain makes out of micro expressions. Whether micro expressions will get a place in Metaverse, whether these expressions which occur in microseconds can be transferred to Metaverse properly are a matter of curiosity.

Another essential point in body language is tone of voice. It is more important than words we choose in communication. When this is the case in the real world, the situation can be different in Metaverse. It is quite possible that people can introduce themselves as a different person if they are provided to change their voice. This situation seems to have potential to lead to various issues about communication and trust in Metaverse. On the other hand, people may get away from expressing themselves with their own words, expressions and voices as a result of preferring emojis and special virtual effects in communication. Therefore communication between people may decrease and people may develop different ways to adapt this situation.

Canberk Arıcı


I am a computer engineering student who develops himself continuously in AI field and wants to dive deep in this field. My aim is implementing awesome projects that combines AI and health fields.

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