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Home Metaverse Metaverse, many obstacles in the real world can be overcome
Metaverse - August 19, 2022

Metaverse, many obstacles in the real world can be overcome

It is known that many students in our country and around the world have problems with education. Among the reasons for this situation are various reasons such as financial impossibilities and climatic conditions. Situations arising from inequality of opportunity prevent all segments of a country from receiving the same level of education as possible and may adversely affect the development rate of the country. Education is the most important issue for society and should be attached importance. We can see that the importance given to education has fascinating results in Grigoriy Petrov’s book “Finland: The Country of White Lilies “. The book tells the story of Finland’s transformation from being a land of swamps to a land of white lilies, thanks to education.

What can be understood from education should not only be the lessons seen at school but there may also be important educations such as sports education and art education. As we have heard frequently lately, a new world is forming with Metaverse. Thanks to Metaverse, many obstacles in the real world can be overcome. When we think about it from this perspective, Metaverse has the potential to reflect positively on the lives of students who walk many kilometers during the winter to study, who do not have enough activity opportunities in their current location, and who miss important opportunities because their financial situation is insufficient. Universities, technology companies and governments can act together to overcome such challenges. To give an example of a project that brings schools to the Metaverse, we can mention the “virtual school” project of researchers from METU. Researchers from the Middle East Technical University (METU) developed the “virtual school” project, where students are represented by an avatar and lessons can be held in the three-dimensional “metaverse” world, in an environment closest to physical reality. METU Computer and Instructional Technologies Department Lecturer Assoc. Dr. Tuğba Tokel, in virtual schools, said, “Students can come together with their teachers to make up for their deficiencies after the lesson. Maybe students at the university preparatory level may need this more.” said.

We are witnessing various advances in the field of education in the Metaverse world, and countries are also taking serious steps regarding the Metaverse. We hope that Metaverse provides equal opportunity in education and real-world barriers are no longer barriers.

Canberk Arıcı


I am a computer engineering student who develops himself continuously in AI field and wants to dive deep in this field. My aim is implementing awesome projects that combines AI and health fields.

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